
FOREST CITY, Iowa — Waldorf University just added a huge feather in its academic cap as it is now a charter member of the prestigious Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) National Biological Honor Society. 
“It is the best undergraduate biology honors society out there in both quality and recognition,” said Paul Bartelt, Ph.D., chair of the Biology Department at Waldorf. “This will give us more distinction. Becoming a member of TriBeta will enhance our reputation and make it easier to recruit strong academic students,” Bartelt explained.
Founded in 1922, TriBeta is an honor society for students dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. 
“Undergraduate research has become the norm at all competitive liberal arts colleges. Hence, our students will receive greater recognition when they present their research results at scientific conferences, and when they apply for graduate and professional schools after graduation,” said Bartelt. “In addition, because the national TriBeta organization offers competitive research grants to member students, our students will have another source of funding for their research.”
TriBeta has more than 626 chapters and offers membership at five levels: regular, graduate, associate, honorary and promoted. Ordinarily, Waldorf students will be either regular or associate members. If a student accomplishes something truly extraordinary, then he/she would be eligible for honorary membership.
According to Bartelt, Waldorf recently applied to the national honor society, which took about four months. As part of the application, the biology program highlighted that it has pursued research, published peer-reviewed papers, delivered presentations and completed professional activities over the past 10 years to develop a record as a strong baccalaureate school and faculty. After a TriBeta representative visited the campus and interviewed faculty, staff and students, the application was voted on and approved by member colleges in the region.
About Waldorf University
Based in Forest City, Iowa, Waldorf University is a liberal arts institution that delivers engaging learning experiences through innovative residential and online instruction while providing students associate, bachelor’s and master’s degrees and certificates in organizational leadership, criminal justice, fire science, theater, education, biology and more. Visit Waldorf.edu to learn more.