This event is a one-of-a-kind All-State Piano, Vocal & Instrumental Workshop on the Waldorf University campus. The workshop is designed for all interested and all levels of preparation from beginning to advanced. Whether you are looking for a follow-up event to the initial All-State Vocal Workshops held around the state each August or an initial introduction to the materials and audition expectations, this workshop has what you need!

This year's workshop will be held on Thursday, September 26, 2024, and is FREE to attend!

Unique to this workshop is its focus on piano accompaniment skills for pianists who will be auditioning as All-State Accompanists. Experience the music in real-time with a choir of voices.

Our workshop enjoys a high audition success rate for attendees in all areas!

Register by September 12, 2024.

Vocal Clinicians

  • Dr. Emilie Bertram, Director of Choral Activities for Waldorf University, will lead the Vocal Ensemble in mass rehearsals and offer private coaching for well-prepared vocal quartets (sign up at registration).
  • Sectionals led by area master teachers, Jason Heitland, Ethan Pruisman, Annika Andrews and Melissa Shallberg.

Piano Clinicians

  • Jackie Burk, former Iowa All-State Choir Chair and Adjunct Professor in Choral Education at Waldorf University will provide audition guidance and private coaching.
  • Melissa Phillips, Piano Professor and Collaborative Pianist at Waldorf University will provide private coaching and pedagogy on collaborative pianism.

Instrumental Clinicians

  • Mary O'Connell, Interim Director of Instrumental Activity Waldorf University–Tuba/Euphonium.
  • Mike McEniry, Retired Waldorf University Adjunct Faculty, Retired Mason City High School Director–Trombone.
  • Dawn Rutt, Adjunct Faculty of Woodwinds Waldorf University, Instructor of Band at Forest City Community Schools–French Horn.
  • Mark Dorr, Adjunct Faculty of Percussion Waldorf University, Des Moines Opera–Percussion.
  • Andrew Piper, Director of Band Garner Community Schools–Trumpet
  • Bethany Tooley, Director of Band West Hancock Community Schools–Saxophone
  • Holly Prier, Director of Band Clear Lake Community Schools–Flute
  • Anna Gruemmer, Principle Clarinet Mason City Municipal Band, Private Studio Instructor–Clarinet
  • Lin Nikkel, Director of Band Grinnell Community Schools–Oboe/ Bassoon


  • 8-8:30 a.m.  –  Check-in/Registration
  • 8:30-8:45 a.m. – Welcome from Waldorf Admissions
  • 8:45-10:30 a.m. 
    • Vocal – Mass rehearsal, sectionals & quartet opportunity
    • Instrumental - Audition process clinic & master classes
    • Piano - Rehearsal technique clinic, private coaching & rehearsal observations
  • 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.  –  Provided lunch
  • 12:30-2 p.m.  
    • Vocal Mass – Sectionals, mass rehearsal & quartet opportunity
    • Instrumental – Individual lessons
    • Piano – Private coaching & rehearsal observations
      • Advanced students may be offered the opportunity to accompany sectionals and/or the vocal mass rehearsal!